Saturday, June 14, 2008


gah! my legs hurt like hell now bcoz of running during PE class >.< i hate warm ups

my sister and i went to the mall yesterday to unwind. we decided to watch The Happening xD actually i suggested the movie while we were thinking either we'll get movie tickets for The Incredible Hulk or The Happening. the movie was nice altho for some points i dont like some parts where people commit suicide haha.

well, in The Happening, there's this "airborne toxic" spreading on northwest US and it's becoming a threat to the people living there because the toxic causes a human to have speech paralysis and physical disorientation, making people repeat what he said few seconds ago. what bothers me is that why are they thinking of killing themselves, instead of just walking around or doing whatever they are doing repeatedly, which is very weird to me. i remember a part of the movie in a construction site where the workers at the top of the building falls to the ground... gah! really looks like doomsday for everyone. well, seeing people.. i mean, people, falling from the sky is not a pretty sight. it's like the end of the world for me.

haha ^^ it's Dunkin' Donuts Day yesterday ! i got hot choco and some donuts. then we went to the department store to buy some shirts.

i was thinking of stuffs yesterday, what if what happened to the movie, "The Happening", happen? what are we going to do? what are the chances of survival, to think that Philippines is an overpopulated country? what will we risk to still see the sun rise the next day? and if we ever survive, how can we recover from such happening?

better prepare, right? it's what everybody say, prepare for the worst. well, with all those preparations what if our bodies aren't ready for the preparation? what if we lack knowledge? well, maybe we just have to be a bit smarter in the field of Science... know more. because he who knows more and prepares, will be the last man standing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

For me, if the movie that you watch happened here in the Philippines?

It will be a “mass suicide”… its no joke if it’s happen.

At least we have to be prepared for everything…but there are things that come unexpectedly.

So at least be alert for everything.

But I think Filipino can survive in many situations. I know it.

~I’ll give them my chibi angel for guidance~
